Ethics Charter

Ethics Charter
Ethics Charter

Mentions légales

Mentions légales
Mentions légales
Welcome to MORFO's Code of Ethics for Forest Ecosystem Restoration. This document sets out the principles and practices to which all MORFO employees must adhere. These principles are also submitted for signature to our customers, as well as to certain service providers who may present any risks.

At MORFO, we believe that our commitment to ethical forest restoration is not just a responsibility, but a commitment to future generations. This code serves as a guide to ensure that our actions are consistent with our core values of ecological integrity, respect for the community and environmental sustainability.

Laws, regulations and integrity

Commitment to legal compliance

MORFO is committed to complying with all labor laws and regulations in every country where our company operates. Our focus is on anti-corruption, fair competition, compliance with embargoes, stock exchange regulations, human rights, labor law, health and safety, data protection and environmental conservation.


Acts of corruption are totally contrary to MORFO's values and ethical principles, and are completely prohibited. We undertake to conduct all contract negotiations and executions without participating in behavior that could be qualified as active or passive corruption with public or private entities, or complicity in influence peddling or favoritism.

Avoiding conflicts of interest

Any conflict of interest is strictly prohibited by MORFO. This includes refraining from holding interests in entities that could compromise the company's integrity.

Business management: customer and supplier relations

All MORFO employees are committed to treating all MORFO customers and suppliers honestly and fairly, regardless of their size or circumstances.

Our commercial actions, in France and abroad, respect the legal framework of each country. We respect the principle of fair competition and strictly avoid any agreement or behavior that could be interpreted as anti-competitive.

It is also strictly forbidden to grant undue favors, gifts or advantages to third parties involved in business relations with MORFO. Only common practices of politeness or hospitality, business meals or other reasonable practices accepted in the country or profession are acceptable. Our employees are required to inform their superiors of any solicitation or offer of special benefits they may receive.

In addition, all stakeholders undertake to prevent fraud in all its forms, by maintaining the highest standards of honesty and sincerity in relationships, and by guaranteeing the accuracy and quality of products and services offered.

If you have any doubts or questions, particularly concerning complex and evolving competition laws, our legal services can be contacted at

Ensuring ethical standards with suppliers

All suppliers agree to follow MORFO's ethical standards. MORFO employees, in their interactions with suppliers and contractors, ensure that they comply with the ethical and environmental standards defined by MORFO and expressed in this document. We expect all collaborative efforts to reflect and support MORFO's ethical values and principles.

Daily behavior

Dedication to respect and dignity

All MORFO employees, partners and customers undertake to respect the principles of mutual trust, respect and dignity in their interactions. They also undertake to promote a workplace free from harassment. All conduct must, of course, comply with global standards, including the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the conventions of the International Labour Organization and the United Nations Global Compact.

Promoting positive intra-MORFO relations

Every MORFO employee undertakes to observe loyalty, integrity and transparency in his or her interactions with other MORFO entities. He or she recognizes the importance of maintaining quality relationships in all areas of activity, including commercial, financial and human resources.

Political activity

In accordance with local laws, MORFO does not contribute directly or indirectly to the financing of political parties or politicians. MORFO pays particular attention to potential conflicts of interest in my political activities, especially when they involve decisions by the state, public authorities or local communities.

Forest ecosystem restoration mission

Key principles of forest ecosystem restoration

MORFO is committed to specific principles of forest restoration, ensuring that its activities are consistent with ecological integrity and the interests of local communities. Our actions are guided by ethical principles and a commitment to sustainable and responsible environmental practices.

Deep community involvement and consent

Our commitment to community involvement is based on principles of respect, inclusiveness and collaboration, including the principle of Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC). We are committed to engaging with local communities in a way that respects their rights, values their ideas and integrates their needs into the planning and execution of our projects. We approach all interactions with empathy, understanding the cultural dynamics of each community, and work to build meaningful and beneficial partnerships.

For more information on FPIC, please visit this page: Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC)

Biodiversity conservation

As an advocate of biodiversity, we understand its crucial role in the health and balance of forest ecosystems. Our actions and decisions are always taken with the aim of protecting and enhancing the biodiversity of the areas in which we work. We are committed to promoting ecological balance, recognizing the value of each species and the importance of maintaining a diverse and healthy ecological network.

Ecological footprint and sustainable use of resources

Our approach to the use of natural resources in our projects is guided by principles of sustainability and conservation. We are committed to managing these resources wisely, ensuring that our activities are conducted in a way that minimizes environmental footprints and promotes ecological balance. This commitment extends to all natural resources, including water, soil and native flora, where we favor practices that maintain the natural abundance and health of forest environments.

Enhanced health and safety standards

Recognizing the risks inherent in field operations, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of health and safety. This includes strict adherence to safety protocols, proper use of safety equipment and active participation in safety training programs. We are also committed to advocating and implementing proactive health measures that ensure a safe and healthy working environment for all team members.

Project selection process

Open consultation

During the first half of 2024, all the company's employees took part in a process to solicit their opinions. This process made it possible to identify the selection criteria for reforestation projects to which MORFO wishes to respond, and those to which we will not be able to respond. Following this process, a "Project Evaluation Framework" was created. Following a due diligence phase, this framework includes an ethical analysis of each project. This analysis is carried out by an internal and an external committee. It takes into account five essential criteria, each of which is assessed by a score and may lead to automatic disqualification of the project:

  • Reputation and ethical standards: The ethical history and public reputation of the company proposing the project. This takes into account past behavior, legal compliance, corporate social responsibility and overall reliability.
  • Alignment with MORFO values: The extent to which the project aligns with MORFO's mission and core values, such as promoting biodiversity, integrating local communities and ensuring long-term sustainability.
  • Commitment to sustainability: The project proponent's commitment to sustainable practices, including long-term environmental management, resource conservation and the reduction of negative impacts.
  • Environmental impact: The potential positive and negative environmental impacts of the project, taking into account factors such as biodiversity enhancement, ecosystem restoration and environmental damage mitigation.
  • Customer commitment: The level of commitment of the customer proposing the project, including their willingness to comply with MORFO guidelines, provide the necessary support and ensure the long-term success of the project.
  • Alignement avec les valeurs de MORFO : La mesure dans laquelle le projet s'aligne avec la mission et les valeurs fondamentales de MORFO, telles que la promotion de la biodiversité, l'intégration des communautés locales et la garantie de la durabilité à long terme.
Exclusion of reforestation projects

Following this consultation phase, MORFO affirms its intention to restore as many forests as possible, with the highest level of commitment and quality, and also affirms its refusal to respond to a set of typical projects, listed below:

  • Offset projects: Projects that serve only as a means for companies to compensate for their environmental damage, without making any real effort to change their harmful practices.
  • Greenwashing initiatives: Projects designed primarily to improve a company's public image rather than achieve genuine environmental restoration (e.g. superficial tree-planting campaigns without long-term sustainability plans).
  • Projects with significant ethical concerns: Projects proposed by companies with a history of seriously unethical behavior, legal violations or ongoing controversies that conflict with MORFO's values.
  • Unsustainable projects: Projects that do not demonstrate a strong commitment to long-term sustainability, including those that lack plans for ongoing maintenance and environmental management.
  • Projects with a high negative environmental impact: Projects that result in significant negative environmental impacts, such as damage to local ecosystems, wildlife or water resources.
  • Projects not aligned with MORFO's mission: Projects that do not align with MORFO's mission and values, such as those that prioritize commercial interests over environmental and community benefits.

Reporting ethical issues

Reporting ethical issues

Anyone encountering ethical problems is strongly encouraged to report them via an anonymous report form. This rapid report will be processed within a maximum of 10 days by the MORFO team.

It is the responsibility of company management to help employees resolve any ethical challenges they may encounter. In case of uncertainty, all employees are encouraged to consult the legal or human resources departments (, and if necessary, to seek advice from third parties.

No punitive action will be taken against an employee, customer or partner who reports in good faith a violation of our code of ethics without personal interest.

Whistle-blowing system

MORFO provides a feedback system, which anyone can use to report, disinterestedly and in good faith, observed incidents that fall within the scope of MORFO's whistleblowing policy. This policy includes:

  • Any criminal offence or violation.
  • Significant violations of laws or regulations, treaties or international conventions ratified or approved by France, or unilateral acts of international organizations based on such treaties or conventions.
  • Serious threats or damage to the public interest.

Specific areas covered include:

  • Corruption and influence peddling, in particular behavior or situations contrary to anti-corruption compliance rules.
  • Irregularities in accounting and stock market practices.
  • Violations of competition laws and embargo regulations.
  • Risks relating to serious violations of human rights, health and safety, and environmental impacts resulting from the activities of MORFO or its subcontractors and suppliers.

Information protected by national defense, medical secrecy or attorney-client privilege is excluded from MORFO's whistle-blowing regime, except in specific, legally justified cases.

Rights of persons involved in a whistleblower case

Anyone involved in a whistleblowing case will be informed of the data recorded about them and will be able to access, rectify or request the deletion of inaccurate, ambiguous or out-of-date information.

The following information is provided to those involved:

  • The facts alleged against them.
  • List of recipients of the whistle-blowing report.
  • Procedures for exercising rights of access and rectification.

The identity of the whistle-blower will not be revealed to the person involved in the alert.

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