4 Reasons to Use MORFO for Ecological Restoration

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Ondrej Prosicky
January 10, 2023

4 reasons to trust MORFO in restoring a forest ecosystem

  • High operational capacity: 50 times faster than a traditional reforestation solution, MORFO can deploy a project in just a few weeks, securely, on any terrain.
  • Strong ecological impact: very diversified restoration including local and even endemic species, ecosystem and educational approach.
  • Data sharing: customers have access to a custom online dashboard accessible at any time, displaying a clear and transparent presentation of data with images, maps and key figures.
  • Strong collaboration with local people: local people are at the heart of every project and are included in stages such as seed collection, land preparation, planting assistance and monitoring. MORFO creates local value and equitable economic redistribution.

We sustainably restore degraded ecosystems

MORFO's team has designed a complete drone-based reforestation solution combining seed encapsulation, microbiology and Computer Vision. In 2022, 90% of reforestation projects are still based on seedlings, with low biodiversity (45% of projects are mono-species, according to the World Resources Institute). Level of pre-analysis is most of the times low, and monitoring is rarely positive. Without technology, pre-analysis and monitoring are often difficult to carry out.

MORFO's solutions include:

  • Allow ecosystem restoration
  • Integrate all forest layers
  • Maximize interactions between plants, soils, animals, micro-organisms
  • Adopt a fully ecosystemic approach
  • Build lasting forests
  • Build forests with efficient operational approaches
  • Focus on understanding and monitoring biodiversity, biomass, carbon and overall plantations

MORFO is more than just a technique. Our company manages truly sustainable restoration projects full of biodiversity with rigorous consideration of environmental and social impacts when deployed.

We have already successfully undertaken several large-scale projects in Latin America and Equatorial Africa. Our method is now ready to be deployed through commercial contracts with industrialists, landowners, but also research centers and states.

As Pascal Asselin, Co-founder of MORFO, explains:

"MORFO offers a faster, less expensive solution that focuses on biodiversity and can be deployed on a large scale. We fully restore native and diverse forest ecosystems. We guarantee their longevity and thus fight against global warming".

MORFO combines Agritech, Computer Vision and Drones to fight global warming

MORFO's solution is a 4-step reforestation process. First, data collected via drone and satellite allow us to analyze the area to be reforested. Then, appropriate species, which can be local or endemic, are selected from our internal catalog (i.e. studied and tested beforehand by our R&D team). They are then collected by local communities to best meet ecosystem needs.

Following analysis and collection phases, our drones disperse seeds in pods which contain all the biological and nutritional elements necessary for long-term reforestation. A single drone can process up to 50 hectares per day, each one being able to plant 180 seedpods per minute on steep and difficult to access terrain. This is cheaper and 20 to 100 times faster than traditional reforestation solutions, as there is no need for plant nurseries.

Finally, growth of plantations is subject to particular attention and follow-up thanks to biomass, biodiversity and carbon stock monitoring, using drone and satellite images.

As our client Frédéric Bart, Mining Environment Coordinator at Eramet Group, explains:

"MORFO's innovative approach completes our panel of revegetation solutions by allowing us to consider a quick intervention in difficult to access areas, while meeting our safety, biodiversity and quality monitoring requirements over time."
Adrien Pagès
Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer
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