Rio de Janeiro Becomes First City to Launch Large-Scale Reforestation thanks to MORFO

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MORFO, Mauricio Nava
July 22, 2024

Rio de Janeiro City Council carries out the first reforestation action using seeding drones in Serra de Inhoaíba, Campo Grande.

This initiative is part of the Ministry of the Environment and Climate's ReflorestaRio program, which integrates state-of-the-art technology with existing reforestation efforts.

On July 5, 2024, City Hall launched an accelerated reforestation project using AI and drones to mitigate the impacts of climate change. The Greentech MORFO solution led the first seed dispersal of native species in the Serra de Inhoaíba, in the presence of Mayor Eduardo Paes, Secretary for Environment and Climate Eliana Cacique, and Deputy Secretary for Biodiversity Hélio Wanderley.

Rio de Janeiro needs green measures

To combat rising temperatures, Rio de Janeiro has implemented an innovative reforestation plan that began in January 2024. The city, known for its culture and natural beauty, faces challenges such as heat waves, flooding and landslides, making sustainable solutions more urgent than ever. In partnership with MORFO, a French-Brazilian technology green company, the city is running a reforestation project using drones and AI as part of the ReflorestaRio program.

The urgency of these initiatives is underlined by alarming climate indicators. November 2023 saw record temperatures, with Vila Militar reaching 42.5°C and Marambaia 41.9°C, leading to an increase in requests for medical assistance. The city is implementing various ecological measures, including hydration points, green corridors and prevention of expansion in at-risk areas. Seed-dispensing drones are a key component of these efforts.

Why restore in urban areas: the importance of the Serra de Inhoaíba

The Serra de Inhoaíba is essential for maintaining and increasing the city's vegetation cover, mitigating heat waves and preventing floods and landslides. Because of the region's steep slopes, drone-dispersed seeds are safer and more effective than traditional planting methods.

Reforestation drones meet Rio de Janeiro's needs perfectly

Seeding drones are part of Rio's strategy to mitigate extreme temperatures and improve thermal comfort for residents. These drones, supplied by MORFO, can plant local native species in hard-to-reach areas, significantly speeding up reforestation efforts. A two-person team equipped with a drone can replant a field 100 times faster than traditional methods, planting 180 seeds per minute over an area of up to 50 hectares per day. This method also reduces costs and increases biodiversity, using at least 20 native species at up to five times less cost.

Over the past two years, MORFO has restored 600 hectares, managed 1,200 hectares and recorded 600 native species, earning it the Solar Impulse Efficient Solution label. Over the next three years, MORFO will help restore 30 hectares and enrich a further 30 hectares with species native to the Atlantic Forest. "Our aim is to accelerate reforestation and address the consequences of climate change as soon as possible," explains Grégory Maitre, MORFO's General Manager in Brazil.

The project involves monitoring reforested areas using up-to-date satellite and drone imagery. This data, displayed on a customized dashboard, will help Rio City Council to monitor progress, improve management and provide information on vegetation cover, biodiversity and carbon stock.

The MORFO ecosystem restoration strategy

MORFO's restoration strategy begins with a diagnosis soil survey using satellite and drone imagery to map topography, water resources and vegetation cover. In the laboratory, soil compaction, moisture content and mineral and organic composition are analyzed. Based on these studies, at least 20 native species are selected for planting, including varieties from different stages of ecological succession.

The encapsulated, in natura seeds are then dispersed by drones, enabling effective reforestation even in difficult terrain. This method is 100 times faster than traditional reforestation and eliminates the need for a long nursery period for seedlings. Monitoring continues with satellite and drone images analyzed by AI to assess vegetation and biodiversity, providing real-time data for rapid responses to any problems.

About the Serra de Inhoaíba reforestation working groups

SMAC aims to completely reforest the Serra da Posse in the Atlantic Forest Conservation Unit, by planting 160,000 tree seedlings. Actions to recover water sources and protect native flora and fauna are also planned.

About ReflorestaRio

Since the 1980s, ReflorestaRio has reforested the equivalent of 3,600 soccer fields, planting over 10 million seedlings in more than 200 communities. The program has more than 10,000 employees and volunteers, and today continues to involve around 470 volunteers. Since 2021, the program has planted over 368,000 seedlings of 168 native species, focusing on AP5 and other areas.


MORFO's partnership with Rio de Janeiro illustrates the power of innovation to tackle environmental challenges. By integrating cutting-edge technology with ecological expertise, this project sets a new standard for urban reforestation. As climate change accelerates, effective large-scale initiatives like this are crucial to creating resilient and sustainable urban environments.

Find out more about the project and follow its progress by clicking here.

Lorie Francheteau
Editor-in-Chief and Content Manager
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