Top Free Courses to Learn About Sustainability

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May 24, 2023

There are hundreds of free MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) on the subject of sustainable development. The United Nations, for example, offers courses that cover a range of sustainability topics, such as climate change, sustainable cities, sustainable tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals, available in different languages such as English, French, Portuguese, etc. To learn more, visit the United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC).

In this article you will discover a large selection of some of the best training courses on sustainability and sustainable development that you can take online for free.

The best MOOCs to discover sustainable development

The ABCs of Sustainability - BBVA Campus

The sustainability agenda is currently at the forefront of business, government and citizen concerns. It is essential to know basic concepts in order to understand all the issues related to sustainability as a vehicle for systemic change in the economy, society, business and our lives.

This course is an introduction to sustainability as a cross-cutting discipline in our society that is based on the latest public information on economic, social and environmental issues. It describes how sustainability applies holistically to the daily situations of people, the use of natural resources, the global economy and its interaction with the biosphere, as well as social factors such as just transition, equity, equality, diversity, human rights, education and health.

At the end of this course, you will have obtained an overview of the main challenges and potential solutions to achieve a sustainable, socially just and ecologically possible development, while respecting the limits of the planet.

Available only in English.

The era of sustainable development - University of Colombia

This training provides an understanding of the key challenges and necessary pathways to sustainable development, that is, economic development that is both socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable.

Available in English, with subtitles in English, French, Arabic, Portuguese (Portugal), Italian, Vietnamese, German, Russian and Spanish.

Introduction to the Green Economy - UN CC:e-Learn

Through this training, you will learn the basics about inclusive green economies. This course provides an introduction to the fundamental logic and concepts that guide an inclusive green economy. It addresses both the opportunities and challenges at the global and national levels to achieve low-carbon, resource-efficient, and socially inclusive development.

Available only in English.

Introduction to E-Waste Policy - ITU Academy

This self-paced course aims to assist national stakeholders in developing national policy and regulation on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). In addition to an introduction and overview, the course includes the following four modules: 1) Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), 2) Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), 3) Financial Management, and 4) Stakeholder Groups and Government Interests. The course is estimated to take less than an hour and a half. Participants will receive a badge certifying their completion if the course is passed with 60% or more.

Ends December 31, 2023. Available in English, French, Arabic and Spanish.

Working for a sustainable future: concepts and approaches - Lund University

In this course, participants are introduced to key concepts and notions that are evolving in the science of sustainability and that are relevant to all, regardless of one's work or area of interest. After taking the course, participants will have a better understanding of the vocabulary used today and should demonstrate the ability to think critically to integrate different environmental, social, and economic sustainability perspectives into their specific area of interest or research.

Available only in English.

MOOCs for a sustainable enterprise

In Practice: Aligning Your Company with Global Goals - United Nations Global Compact Academy

This training addresses many business issues and provides practical examples from leading companies on how to align business strategies and operations with global goals to maximize their positive impact.

Available only in English.

Corporate Sustainability: Understanding and seizing the strategic opportunity - Bocconi

In this training, thought leaders from a wide variety of management and economic fields illustrate how to assess and seize the opportunities offered by these global emergencies. They offer new ways to understand the purpose and rationale for business success in this new context, providing insights and examples on how to manage the transition process to realize the value-creating potential of corporate sustainability for all stakeholders involved.

Available in English, with subtitles in English, French, Arabic, Portuguese (Portugal), Italian, Vietnamese, German, Russian and Spanish.

Leading companies towards the goals of sustainable development - Erasmus University Rotterdam

What can companies do to address climate change and create a sustainable corporate culture? Why is this relevant to business anyway? Explore how businesses can contribute to a better future for people AND the planet without giving up profits.

This course was developed by the Rotterdam School of Management of Erasmus University (RSM). It focuses on the role of business in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). You will get insights from international business leaders and academics in management and business administration who will guide you through the issue of business' contribution to the SDGs.

This course received the "Excellence in MOOCs Award" from the Sustainable Development Solutions Network and the SDG Academy in September 2019.

Available in English, with subtitles in English, French, Arabic, Portuguese (Portugal), Italian, Vietnamese, German, Russian and Spanish.

MOOCs to design a sustainable economy

Circular economy approaches to sustainability - UNSSC

With less than a decade to go before the 2030 deadline, it is clear that maintaining the status quo will not help us achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Systems approaches and a strong commitment to deep-rooted transformation and action are essential to reducing humanity's footprint on our planet. Our resources are finite and circular economy principles and practices will be a catalyst in creating goods, processes and ecosystems that are restorative and regenerative by design.

This training explores the application of circular economy (CE) practices in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It will focus on "how" and "why" the principles of the circular economy will be critical to achieving the 2030 Agenda goal - sustainable development for all.

Register before December 31, 2023. Available only in English.

Circular Economy: Sustainable Materials Management

This course examines where the important materials in the products we use every day come from and how these materials can be used more efficiently, longer and in a closed loop. This is the goal of the circular economy, but it doesn't just happen. It is the result of choices and strategies by suppliers, designers, companies, policy makers and each of us as consumers.

In addition to providing numerous examples of materials management for sustainability, the course also teaches skills and tools for analyzing circular business models and encourages the development of your own ideas for becoming more involved in the transition to a circular economy.

You will learn from expert researchers and practitioners from across Europe who will explain the essentials and challenges of the transition to a circular economy.

Available in English, with subtitles in English, French, Arabic, Portuguese (Portugal), Italian, Vietnamese, German, Russian and Spanish.

Macroeconomics of Climate Change: Science, Economics and Policy - International Monetary Fund

In this course, you will learn about the science and economics behind climate change, the framework for global climate action, and how the IMF engages with climate change issues.

Ends September 1, 2023. Available only in English.

Sustainable Lifestyles - UNSSC

This course explores sustainable living in the context of the 2030 Agenda, advancing understanding of how our life choices impact the world around us and how we can find ways for everyone to live better and with less impact. It explores what sustainable living is, the values and beliefs that influence our choices, and strategies we might apply to create positive, lasting change toward sustainability in our systems and lives.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the concept of sustainable living and the potential for collective impact of individual actions.
  • Understand the key determinants and values that influence our lifestyle decisions.
  • Understand the five key areas of consumption and how they can become more sustainable.
  • Explore policy environments that support sustainable choices. Recognize the importance of individual actions in promoting sustainable transformation.
  • Explore solutions adapted to different realities and contexts.

Register before December 20, 2023. Available only in English.

My Sustainable Living Challenge - UNSSC

The United Nations System Staff College and the United Nations Environment Programme are pleased to present "My Sustainable Living Challenge", an online gamified learning platform that stimulates new behaviors through concrete commitments.

Register before May 21, 2023. Available in English, French, Spanish and Russian.

Work and Employment for a Sustainable Future - SDG Academy

We live in a financially fragile world. The economy is growing, but there are not enough opportunities to find decent work. Globally, more than 200 million people are still unemployed, even though labor standards have improved. This situation is not sustainable. Experts from the International Labor Organization, Harvard University, and others will talk about the state of work in our world and what it will take to ensure steady, inclusive, and sustainable economic development for all.

Ends September 1, 2023. Available only in English.

MOOCs to achieve sustainable funding

Principles of Sustainable Finance - Erasmus University Rotterdam

Finance is widely seen as an obstacle to a better world. The principles of sustainable finance explain how the financial sector can be mobilized to counter this trend. By using finance as a means to achieve social goals, we can steer the planet and its economy away from their current trajectory toward a sustainable world for all.

Throughout this course, you will learn about the UN Sustainable Development Goals, how social and environmental factors should not be considered externalities, learn about sustainable banking and asset management, effective engagement, sustainable scenario analysis and long-term value creation.

By the end of this course, you will understand how sustainable finance can be used as a tool to drive the transition to sustainability.

Available in English, with subtitles in English, French, Arabic, Portuguese (Portugal), Italian, Vietnamese, German, Russian and Spanish.

Finding the Money: Financing Climate Action - UN CC:e-Learn

In recent years, the global community has agreed on the need for urgent climate action. This involves reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving the resilience and adaptive capacity of societies to the adverse effects of climate change resulting from past emissions. These actions require significant financial resources. This tutorial provides an overview of what climate finance is and how countries access different sources of finance.

Available in English, French, Arabic, and Spanish.

The MOOC on the digitalization of sustainable development

Digital4Sustainability Learning Path - UNSSC

We live in a technologically advanced world, spending over a third of our lives in front of a screen, connected to people and places across the planet - witnessing the escalation of disasters caused by socio-environmental degradation. Despite the power that technology offers us, despite heatwaves and hurricanes, and despite growing alarm, we are failing to harness the potential of digital technology to make our world more sustainable, equitable and peaceful. Governments, businesses, civil society and individuals have choices to make in harnessing and managing the new technology to preserve the environment and human freedoms.

The Digital4Sustainability learning path explores the transformational role that digital solutions and innovations can play in promoting environmental and social sustainability. In particular, how can technology digital solutions foster the ecological transition, and how can the digital transition be ecological?

Register before December 31, 2023. Available only in English.

MOOCs to understand the guidelines for a sustainable world

United Nations Framework for Sustainable Development Cooperation - UNSSC

UN Development Cooperation Frameworks (UNDCFs) are fundamental instruments for providing coherent strategic direction to the development activities of all UN system entities at the country level. This online training was jointly designed by the United Nations Development Operations Coordination Office (UNDOCO) and the United Nations System Staff College to provide participants with a thorough understanding of the application of the 2019 internal guidelines on UNDAFs.

Register before December 31, 2023. Available in English and French.

Inclusive Growth and Climate Change - International Monetary Fund

This course addresses the nature of climate change and its role as a major threat to the sustainability and inclusiveness of our societies. It examines climate change and its impact on our lives and introduces policies to help counter its effects. These policy recommendations and solutions include mitigation efforts, adaptation to the inevitable changes that will occur (even with mitigation), and how to make these reforms inclusive.

Ends September 1, 2023. Available only in English.

Nature-based solutions for disaster and climate resilience - European Union and the United Nations Environment Programme

This training will enable you to:

Discover tips on how to apply nature-based solutions to build resilience to disasters and climate change, whether you are a youth leader, practitioner, policy maker, engineer, or business leader.

Gain knowledge of how human activities are linked to ecological systems and key tools and approaches for applying nature-based solutions to reduce disaster and climate-related risks.

Learn how policymakers are integrating nature as a solution into policy processes to reduce disaster and climate-related risks. Also learn how policies support the implementation of nature-based solutions for disaster risk reduction.

Available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Hindi and Indonesian.

Towards Water Resilient Infrastructure and Sustainable Cities - United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

This interactive course helps to understand the proactive policy measures to be taken to achieve the goal of sustainable development through the lens of water resilient cities, providing an environment to create a greater sense of social well-being and happiness. Its structure follows the key elements of the whole concept and lists its practical tools, considering water and the water cycle at the heart of sustainable development in an urban environment and its related challenges. The impact of urbanization trends is built on the five key dimensions of urban water security. The framework for measuring progress towards the Millennium Development Goals is illustrated with good practices, policy briefs, holistic strategies and approaches to good urban governance.

Available only in English.

MOOCs on Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals: a global and transdisciplinary vision for the future - University of Copenhagen

In 2015, the United Nations launched the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Adopted by 193 member states, these goals represent an important international milestone to put humanity on a sustainable development path. In this course, you will get a historical overview of how sustainability has been understood, as well as an in-depth introduction to the SDGs - what they are, how progress can be measured, and how the SDGs are relevant to managing the global systems that support humanity. The course will examine how different actors in society are responding to and implementing the SDGs.

Special attention is given to SDG 13, which is seen as the most urgent in terms of the need for rapid global implementation. This course will provide you with an up-to-date knowledge of the human impact on the Earth at the global level. Progress in establishing a comprehensive management of human interactions with the climate system within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is also discussed.

Available in English, with subtitles in English, French, Arabic, Portuguese (Portugal), Italian, Vietnamese, German, Russian and Spanish.

The SDG Primer - UNSSC and UN SDG:Learn

The SDG Primer aims to establish a common basis of understanding and approach for the UN system in supporting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It is intended to inform the programs and actions of all UN entities, including their engagement with government and civil society partners.

Fundamentally, achieving the SDGs requires the active participation of all stakeholders: the UN system, national, regional and local governments, the private sector, civil society, academia and the population at large. Success depends on the pursuit of a whole-of-government and whole-of-society vision to meet the broad ambitions and challenges of the goals. The UN system should be prepared to assist UN member states in all aspects of this endeavor.

Ends December 31, 2023. Available in English and Arabic.

A MOOC to understand the forest

This training on how to understand forest management proposed by France Université Numérique and AgroParisTech has been designed to provide you with the necessary knowledge to enable you to think by yourself and with forest professionals, about what we do and what we could do (or not do) with our forests.

  • What is a forest? How does it work? What is the purpose of "managing" it?
  • Where does wood come from? How is wood made? What do we do with wood?
  • What is the place of the forest in biodiversity, carbon, climate change, health, etc.?

Registration from March 6, 2023 to June 23, 2023. Available only in French.

Lorie Francheteau
Editor-in-Chief and Content Manager
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