Revegetation and reforestation of a mine located on a sandstone and manganiferous plateau, at an altitude of 500 meters. The soil is mainly composed of pisolite, clay and ampelite. Slopes can reach 20°, quite difficult to access.
Restoration of farm edges and infrastructure construction, inaccessible to human beings. Restoration of vegetation cover to limit strong erosion of slopes and pollution of rivers. Restoration of 2 local biomes: savanna and gallery forest.
Deployment was carried out in less than 6 months on a new biome, using local seeds. The first planting was done in one week with a team of 2 MORFO engineers and 1 Gabonese drone pilot.
The first planting was done during the first rainy season. A second plantation is planned for the second rainy season.
Project validation with our client who then presents us with the border zone to be revegetated, the savannah zones and the forest zones.
First planting with 9 different species planted, including African peach trees and different types of beans.
Second planting to ensure good reforestation of the area.